I’ll be honest with you. I’ve been feeling a bit lost recently with my photography. It feels like a huge thing, as it is such a large part of who I am now. Where do I fit in? I’m documentary without being documentary. I’m fine art without quite being fine art. What IS my style? Am I consistent enough? What should I try and be?
After not knowing what to do, I came to realise something: Why do I need to change anything? I am obviously doing something right, I have been blessed with more clients than I need, and they are always over the moon with their photos. Why spend endless time trying to conform and fit into a box that I’m the wrong shape for, when I can spend my time being ME? After all, isn’t there more freedom in being yourself?
I hope if any of you have ever felt this way about anything that this will help you realise that you are not alone. I guess we all need reminding from time to time that it’s ok to do your own thing. It’ll certainly take you further than following someone else who happens to fit perfectly into a box! It it ain’t broken, don’t try and fix it.